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Sarasvati Meditation

美音天能量壁紙"松石碧青"事業運&靈性&庇佑系列 高清 限量發行 Sarasvati Energy Wallpaper "Turquoise Blue" Career&Spiritual&Bless series HD Limited edition

美音天能量壁紙"松石碧青"事業運&靈性&庇佑系列 高清 限量發行 Sarasvati Energy Wallpaper "Turquoise Blue" Career&Spiritual&Bless series HD Limited edition

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Sarasvati Energy Wallpaper


作品名称: 松石碧青

发行数量: 為了建立並增強您和宇宙能量的鏈接,shopify上限量發行500张

壁紙的奇妙效果: 提升工作運、提升事業運、提升藝術水準、激發藝術靈感、提升創作水準、提升創作能力、提升工作審美、激發工作巧思、提升工作效率、工作順利、得到工作機會、事業貴人相助、得到賞識、被重用、被讚揚、被認可、提升靈性、開悟、開智慧、啟發靈感、活化松果體、直覺靈敏、直覺精准、提升洞察力、看透本質、增強第六感、連結高維能量、淨化磁場、提升磁場、淨化能量、提升能量、靈性緣分、被祝福、被庇佑、被照顧、貴人相助、順利、圓滿、難題化解、平安、健康、化解災厄、趨吉避凶、消災解厄、突破瓶頸、天使照顧、神明庇佑

能量等级: Gamma⭐️⭐️

交付内容: 1張高清原圖

用途限定: 僅限個人使用,不可以商用

Energy Wallpaper Information

Work Title: Turquoise Blue

Issue Number: To link and enhance the energy between you and universe, this wallpaper's total issue amount is limited 500 pieces on Shopify

Energy Wallpaper's Magic Effect: Improve the work, improve the career, improve the artistic level, stimulate the artistic inspiration, improve the creative level, improve the creative ability, improve the work aesthetic, stimulate the work ingenuity, improve the work efficiency, work smoothly, get the job opportunity, the career noble help, be appreciated, be reused, be praised, be recognized, enhance spirituality, enlightenment, wisdom, inspiration, activate the pineal, Sensitive intuition, intuition precision, improve insight, through the essential link, strengthen the sixth sense, high dimension, purify magnetic field, magnetic field energy, clean energy, increase energy, spirituality, love, be blessed, be blessing, to be taken care of, get unexpected help, smoothly and successfully, problem resolving, peace, health, dissolve the woes, hasten lucky avoids disaster, eliminate all evil things, break through the bottleneck, angel take care, god bless.

Energy Level: Gamma⭐️⭐️

Deliver Content: 1 piece original HD image

Use Restriction: For personal use only, not commercial use







Energy Level Introduction

Our wallpaper energy level has four levels, increasing from Level Zeta to Level Alpha

Level Zeta:⭐️

Level Gamma:⭐️⭐️

Level Beta:⭐️⭐️⭐️

Level Alpha:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️



How To Getting Your Energy Wallpaper

Once you have successfully paid, shopify will automatically send the wallpaper download link to your email address, you can copy the link to your browser to download oh. Your email address is the one you leave when you place an order. In order to avoid or prevent you from making mistakes in the download process, we have set up five download opportunities, you enjoy the right to download five times! (A nice little reminder)



1# 能量壁紙: 所有的壁紙均由美音天冥想原創, 高清

2# 使用場景: 手機壁紙,手機鎖屏畫面,手錶錶盤,頭像頭貼,聊天背景,PAD桌面,电脑桌面或其他任何您喜歡的場景,甚至只是僅僅儲存在您的電子設備中也是可以的

3# 情緒體驗: 當您看到能量壁紙時每一天都是幸福和開心的~

Elevate Your Screen Experience!

What You Could Get and How to Use With This Purchase:

1# Energy wallpaper: All wallpapers are designed by Sarasvati

2# Use scene: Mobile phone wallpaper, mobile phone lock screen, watch face, head stickers, chat background, PAD desktop, computer desktop or any other scene you like, even just stored in your electronic device can also be

3# Motion experience: beautiful and happy everyday when you see the energy wallpaper~



Please Note

Given the digital nature of this treasure, we don't process refunds or exchanges. But we urge you to read through all the details and the FAQ section before you buy. Got queries? We are here to guide you every step of the way. If, by a rare chance, you're not over the moon with your purchase, I'm here to make things right!



Line: meiyintian

微信: meiyintian999

How to contact us

Line: meiyintian

Wechat: meiyintian999




Gain the Love & The Luck!

Your lock screen and phone screen light up your day. Don't forget to showcase them in your reviews!

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© Sarasvati Meditation
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