美音天能量壁紙"萬福九光"強效財運&事業運系列(可選擇贈送實物能量手鏈權益)Sarasvati Energy Wallpaper "Ten Thousand Blessing Nine Glow" Strong Wealth&Career series (Optional Gift Energy Bracelet Rights)
美音天能量壁紙"萬福九光"強效財運&事業運系列(可選擇贈送實物能量手鏈權益)Sarasvati Energy Wallpaper "Ten Thousand Blessing Nine Glow" Strong Wealth&Career series (Optional Gift Energy Bracelet Rights)
Sarasvati Energy Wallpaper
作品名称: 萬福九光。孔雀的身上散發9種不同的祥瑞光芒,作品名稱中的九光即指尊貴祥瑞的孔雀。
发行数量: 為了建立並增強您和宇宙能量的鏈接,shopify上限量發行18張
壁紙的奇妙效果: 提升貴氣感、提升正財運、提升偏財運、提升投資運勢、二級市場交易盈利、股票盈利、基金盈利、間接盈利、股權投資後可以盈利退出、銀行帳戶餘額不斷增加、揚升財運磁場頻率、吸引金錢、提升金錢安全感、金錢財富主動來找你、得到意料之外的金錢、提升工作運、提升事業運、工作中遇到得力助手、創業成功、客戶訂單主動找上門、提升工作效率、工作順利、得到工作機會、事業貴人相助、防工作中的小人、防工作中的是非口舌、工作付出的努力被看見、得到賞識、被重用、被讚揚、被認可、被尊重、金榜題名、備受寵愛
能量等级: Alpha⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
選項A交付內容: 1張高清原圖+贈送的能量手鏈
選項B交付內容: 1張高清原圖
贈送的能量手鏈: 本款能量壁紙可選擇免費贈送能量手鏈,需另付郵資25美元,我們將通過DHL或順豐速運或其他快遞形式寄送,我們將在和您確認您的收件地址後1個月內寄送。下單後請將詳細且完整的收件資訊發送至郵箱mytinfo@163.com,也可以通過LINE或者微信與我們聯繫能量手鏈寄送事宜。如您所在地國家或地區屬於國際快遞無法送到的地方,也請恕我們無法向您配送。再次提醒您,如您需要能量手鏈,請購買選項A後與我們聯繫寄送事宜。
用途限定: 僅限個人使用,不可以商用
Energy Wallpaper Information
Work Title: Ten Thousand Blessing Nine Glow. Peacock body exudes 9 different auspicious light, the nine light in the title of the work refers to the noble auspicious peacock.
Issue Number: To link and enhance the energy between you and universe, this wallpaper's total issue amount is limited 18 pieces on Shopify
Energy Wallpaper's Magic Effect: Improve your sense of wealth, improve positive wealth, improve partial wealth, improve investment fortunes, secondary market trading profit, stock profit, fund profit, indirect profit, equity investment can be profitable exit, bank account balance continues to increase, raise the frequency of wealth magnetic field, attract money, enhance the sense of security of money, money wealth initiative to find you, get unexpected money, improve work luck, Improve the career, work to meet the right hand, entrepreneurial success, customer orders to take the initiative to come to the door, improve work efficiency, work smoothly, get job opportunities, career help, prevent the villain in the work, prevent the non-tongue, work to be seen, appreciated, be praised, recognized, respected, gold list title, favored
Energy Level: Alpha⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Option A delivers content: 1 HD image + Free energy bracelet
Option B delivers content: 1 HD image
Optional Gift Rights: This energy wallpaper can choose to give free energy bracelet, we will be sent by DHL or SF Express or other express, global free delivery, the fixed postage is 25 usd, we will be sent within 1 month after confirming your delivery address. After placing your order, please send the detailed and complete delivery information to mytinfo@163.com. You can also contact us via LINE or wechat for the delivery of energy bracelet. If you are located in a country or region that cannot be delivered by international express, we will not be able to deliver to you. Again, if you need energy bracelet, please contact us for delivery after purchasing Option A.
Use Restriction: For personal use only, not commercial use
Energy Level Introduction
Our wallpaper energy level has four levels, increasing from Level Zeta to Level Alpha
Level Zeta:⭐️
Level Gamma:⭐️⭐️
Level Beta:⭐️⭐️⭐️
Level Alpha:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
How To Getting Your Energy Wallpaper
Once you have successfully paid, shopify will automatically send the wallpaper download link to your email address, you can copy the link to your browser to download oh. Your email address is the one you leave when you place an order. In order to avoid or prevent you from making mistakes in the download process, we have set up five download opportunities, you enjoy the right to download five times! (A nice little reminder)
1# 能量壁紙: 所有的壁紙均由美音天冥想原創, 高清
2# 使用場景: 手機壁紙,手機鎖屏畫面,手錶錶盤,頭像頭貼,聊天背景,PAD桌面,电脑桌面或其他任何您喜歡的場景,甚至只是僅僅儲存在您的電子設備中也是可以的
3# 情緒體驗: 當您看到能量壁紙時每一天都是幸福和開心的~
Elevate Your Screen Experience!
What You Could Get and How to Use With This Purchase:
1# Energy wallpaper: All wallpapers are designed by Sarasvati
2# Use scene: Mobile phone wallpaper, mobile phone lock screen, watch face, head stickers, chat background, PAD desktop, computer desktop or any other scene you like, even just stored in your electronic device can also be
3# Motion experience: beautiful and happy everyday when you see the energy wallpaper~
Please Note
Given the digital nature of this treasure, we don't process refunds or exchanges. But we urge you to read through all the details and the FAQ section before you buy. Got queries? We are here to guide you every step of the way. If, by a rare chance, you're not over the moon with your purchase, I'm here to make things right!
Line: meiyintian
微信: meiyintian999
How to contact us
Line: meiyintian
Wechat: meiyintian999
Gain the Love & The Luck!
Your lock screen and phone screen light up your day. Don't forget to showcase them in your reviews!
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