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Sarasvati Meditation

美音天數字能量金字塔 "覓如來藏" 靈性&事業&學業 僅1份 數字孿生概念作品 附能量證書 獨立唯一編碼Sarasvati Digital Orgone Pyramid "Find Tathāgatagarbha" Spiritual&Career&Academic Series Only one Digital Twin Concept Work Certificated with Independent And Unique Number

美音天數字能量金字塔 "覓如來藏" 靈性&事業&學業 僅1份 數字孿生概念作品 附能量證書 獨立唯一編碼Sarasvati Digital Orgone Pyramid "Find Tathāgatagarbha" Spiritual&Career&Academic Series Only one Digital Twin Concept Work Certificated with Independent And Unique Number

定價 $69.99 USD
定價 $69.99 USD 售價 $69.99 USD
特價 售罄
內含稅金。 結帳時計算運費


Sarasvati Digital Orgone Pyramid


作品名称: 覓如來藏

发行数量: 為了建立並增強您和宇宙能量的鏈接,此款數字能量金字塔在所有線上銷售管道僅限量發行1份

作品意境: 如來藏係佛教詞語,指一切众生本自具有、与佛同等、本自清净的心性,。众生虽有本自清净的心性,为烦恼遮蔽时,是感召因缘果报的阿赖耶识、异熟识、第八识,修行净除烦恼后,才是真如、佛性、如来藏。“阿赖耶识、第八识、含藏识”等等,也都是如来藏的别名。西方稱之為阿卡西或阿卡西記錄

這款數字能量金字塔的奇妙效果: 提升房間磁場、淨化環境能量、補充眉心輪能量、被祝福、被庇佑、被照顧、貴人相助、學業有成、事業新階段、順利、圓滿、難題化解、平安、健康、化解災厄、趨吉避凶、消災解厄、突破瓶頸、天使照顧、神明庇佑、佛緣、宗教緣分、靈性緣分、鏈接阿卡西記錄、前世回溯、獲得未來的指引

能量等级: Alpha⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Digital Orgone Pyramid Information

Work Title: Find Tathāgatagarbha

Issue Number: To link and enhance the energy between you and universe, this digital orgone pyramid issue amount is limited Only one on all online shop

Artistic conception of the work: Tathāgatagarbha is a Buddhist word that refers to the innate, equal and pure nature of all living beings. Although sentient beings have their own pure mind nature, when they are covered by troubles, they are the Arayya knowledge, the different knowledge, and the eighth knowledge that are inspired by causes and effects. After practicing and eliminating troubles, they are the true as, Buddha-nature, and Tathagata Tibetana. "Araiya Knowledge, eighth Knowledge, Containing Zang Knowledge," etc., are also aliases for Tathagata Zang. The West calls it Akashic or Akashic records

This digital orgone pyramid 's magic effect: Enhance the room magnetic field, purify the environmental energy, supplement the third eye energy, be blessed, be sheltered, be taken care of, dignitaries help, academic success, new stage of career, smooth, complete, solve problems, peace, health, solve disasters, seek good luck and avoid evil, eliminate disasters, break through bottlenecks, angel care, God bless, Buddha, religious fate, spiritual fate, link Akashic records, past life retrace, get guidance for the future

Energy Level: Alpha⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐







Energy Level Introduction

Our energy level has four levels, increasing from Level Zeta to Level Alpha

Level Zeta:⭐️

Level Gamma:⭐️⭐️

Level Beta:⭐️⭐️⭐️

Level Alpha:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️






Work delivery content and precautions

(1) Digital orgone pyramid (no watermark clear electronic picture format).

(2) Matching energy certification certificate, certificate with independent and unique number (electronic picture format).

(3) Digital orgone pyramid can be stored in any of your electronic devices, including but not limited to computers, TV, pads, game machine, smart phones, smart watches, electronic photo frames, electronic albums and other smart devices, you can also set the digital orgone pyramid to become your wallpaper, you can also print the digital orgone pyramid as a physical photo or place the picture in three-dimensional space, you can also print the digital orgone pyramid on physical objects such as cups, bookmark, canvas bag, etc.

(4) This section of the digital orgone pyramid is only one copy, and is invalid if misappropriated by others. You can share this Digital orgone pyramid with your friends or family, only the sharing authorized by you is a legal, formal and effective way, but the energy power they use may only be at Level Gamma-Level Beta.



How to download?

Once you have successfully paid, shopify automatically sends the digital orgone pyramid and accompanying certificate to your email address, which you left when you placed your order. In order to avoid or prevent you from making mistakes in the download process, we have set up five download opportunities, you enjoy the right to download five times! (A nice little reminder)



Please Note

Given the digital nature of this treasure, we don't process refunds or exchanges. But we urge you to read through all the details and the FAQ section before you buy. Got queries? We are here to guide you every step of the way. If, by a rare chance, you're not over the moon with your purchase, I'm here to make things right!



Line: meiyintian

微信: meiyintian999

How to contact us


Line: meiyintian

Wechat: meiyintian999



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© Sarasvati Meditation